Werky is a German shop that sells handmade products made by physically challenged people. It's a great social project!
The owner of the Werky store provided us with the ready-to-use mockups. Our task was to integrate the design mockups into the CS-Cart e-commerce system. As dedicated CS-Cart developers, we worked on this project for several months, from the end of the 2019 year until the end of 2021 (roughly two years).
Our SEO specialist made a report about SEO tasks in January 2021.
AboutWerky project
We usually work with regular online stores, but we've never worked on tasks like making websites accessible to deaf-blind people. It was a challenge for us, as it seems interesting to know that around 0.2% of the world’s population is completely deaf-blind, and another 2% live with “milder forms” of deaf-blindness.
To provide the best website interaction to deaf-blind people, our team attempted to understand how they use the web. We liked working with Werky Store because we learned a lot from their attitude toward website visitors.

Our team supported this e-commerce website for some years. We had long chats (emails) discussing the website development.
Our specialists seriously changed the CS-Cart theme according to client's business needs.
We assigned one senior CS-Cart developer to this project. He worked only on this website for 2 months. The front-end developer was always available for every client's questions and tasks.
Our developers completed many small design integration tasks during 2 years.
Besides changes in web design, there were many small issues connected with the CS-Cart backend.
Our SEO expert provided the client with the SEO website optimization service.
During several months, we consulted the client on how to improve website performance in Google and gave recommendations on on-page optimization. It wasn't constant support during the SEO process. We had a chat with the client and examine the website when he had any questions connected with SEO.
Full Home page of Werky

Working team
CS-Cart platform specialist
consultations during the development process + SEO strategy for the 3 months
Alt-team's manager helped the client write the technical specification to the tasks
Goals: What did the client want to see in the final?
The mockups were made by the client's designers. This website design needed to be integrated into the CS-Cart store.
This online store receives 60% of its visitors via smartphone. It was critical to create a fully responsible theme for the CS-Cart shop in order to provide more convenience for mobile users.
The client decided to work with us via email. It worked out well for both of us.
The online store made its first forays into e-commerce in 2020. The Werky owner expected us to assist him not only with web development but also with the fundamentals of SEO. The website should fully adhere to Google's recommendations.
Challenges: What we had to face with
We should say that it was our first business website with a social orientation. We love the idea of selling handmade products made by very talented people. If you check the products that are sold on this website, they are very unique. Our challenge was to help not only with the quality design integration work but also with the right promotion advice for the beginner store.
The most intriguing aspect of this project was adapting the CS-Cart store for visitors who were blind or visually impaired. Individuals with visual disabilities are those who are blind, have low vision, or are colorblind.
Text and image content must have audio equivalents for blind people. Text and image content must have audio equivalents for blind people.
To enlarge the text beyond simple font enlargement, those with low vision must use a hardware or software magnifier.
People who are colorblind or have low vision benefit from color contrast. People who are colorblind or have low vision benefit from color contrast. When information is presented solely through color, a colorblind person misses it.
After assisting the clients in the development of the online store, our SEO expert advised them on the necessary development tasks to comply with Google's recommendations. We had to give him ideas based on their marketing expenses because the client had a limited budget.
The SEO specialist spent just 2 hours on some small technical issues on the website. (January, 2021).

Results: What we have at the end of the project
We should say that it was our first business website with a social orientation. We love the idea of selling handmade products made by very talented people. If you check the products that are sold on this website, they are very unique. Our challenge was to help not only with the quality design integration work but also with the right promotion advice for the beginner store.

The developer was able to meet all of the requirements for making websites accessible to people with disabilities.
If the website visitor clicks to +Schrift button, the font becomes bigger.
There are also Konstrast button and Hilfe (Help) buttons.
SEO experts consulted the clients within their marketing budget limits and offered some small plans for further tasks for developers. We see that in some months the website traffic increased from 12 000 visitors per month (January, 2021) to 24 000 visitors per month (December, 2021).
This traffic increased because of the SEO specialist's work, as the SEO specialist delivered the report about SEO issues and required tasks to developers in January 2021.

Website traffic from January 2021 till December 2021.
Our team about this project
Our cooperation started in 2019 when this online store wasn’t alive. I made the CS-Cart design integration for this website. Then I continued my work as an outsourced developer, and I spent around 10-20 hours a month fulfilling some urgent developer’s tasks for the client. I enjoy working with Christopher’s project, and I appreciate the Christmas gift he sent me in 2020. It was a beautiful handmade card.

There are some broken links on the website, as well as issues with robots.txt files. Furthermore, the client has some concerns about future development tasks that can improve the website's visibility and user experience. This project has taken me only 2 hours to complete.

Client about Alt-team
Alt-team is super reliable, fast quotations, delivers ontime. The communication is clear and goal-oriented. We very happy with this cooperation. Thanks!
Contact Us
Our email is manager@alt-team.com
Please, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or use the form below if you need a quote for your E-commerce project or have any questions about our products or services. We will be glad to answer you in a short time.