
Build ambitious marketplaces,
online stores, websites & apps
with ecommerce development company Alt-team

We build stable working, high-traffic websites using innovative approaches that deliver better performance

Ready to discuss the project with our specialists?

What we do

Marketplaces & Stores

We have worked with Marketplaces & Stores since 2010. Our team manages to implement any of your ideas on your e-commerce website.

Websites & Web Apps

For the web, we create frontend experiences with excellent performance, driven by Jamstack. These are the interactive, user-friendly websites that respond quickly to requests.

PWA for Mobile

Progressive web applications (PWA) that span the divide between a website and an app, enabling richer, more immersive experiences right in the browser.

We are creating projects using the Innovative JamStack technology

This is the whole system of creating the fastest, well-working and the most secure websites ever.


Best technologies came from Enterprise companies. Use of advanced technologies and development tools.


Jamstack sites produce pages in advance during a build, eliminating the need to generate page views on a server at the time of a request. The speed with which a page loads influences the user experience and conversion. The faster your website, the lower the bounce rate on the website pages.


You should invest in a web security solution to prevent stealing the clients’ data from your website. Static website pages have less chances for hack attacks because all pages are generated during the build process. Note that the popular WordPress CMS, where around 70% of plugins have vulnerabilities, totally loses the security war with the safest JAMstack website.


Even if a JAMstack website experiences high traffic in the sale periods or thanks to positive SEO results, it will continue to function properly whatever happens. There are no website outages as the website components (parts) are kept on different servers. Such a distributed data system gives stability to the website.


Serverless architecture scales automatically as your usage or user base grows, allowing you to scale your app or site with ease. A CDN (Content Delivery Network) can help make a website more scalable by distributing its content to multiple servers located in different geographic regions. By using a CDN, a website can handle higher traffic loads without overloading its origin server.


A truly modular website is one that has been built with a separation approach: the site has been divided into smaller, independent modules that can be easily combined and reused to create different pages or features on the site. On a single website, various third-party services may be incorporated. Without causing any damage to the website, these services can easily be replaced.The modular websites are more efficient, flexible, and adaptable than traditional, monolithic websites.


There are some SEO specialists on our team, and we consult with them for every project we have.

We can guarantee that your new website will be SEO-friendly after our work, as we like when our customers transform into loyal clients and our advertising is word of mouth.

CDN Advantages

We frequently use CDN in our projects.

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is a geographically distributed network of servers and their data centers that help in content distribution to users with minimal delay.

There are 8 Advantages of Using a CDN:

  1. Improved website performance: CDNs store copies of website content on multiple servers around the world, so users can access the content from the server closest to them, reducing latency and improving page load times.

  2. Increased scalability: CDNs help distribute the load of traffic across multiple servers, making the website more scalable and able to handle large spikes in traffic.

  3. Enhanced security: CDNs can offer various security features, such as DDoS protection, SSL encryption, and origin server protection.

  4. Improved global accessibility: CDNs allow websites to be delivered faster and more reliably to users in different parts of the world, improving the overall user experience.

  5. Reduced server load: CDNs reduce the amount of traffic that needs to be handled by the origin server, helping to preserve server resources and increase the lifespan of the server.

  6. Cost-effective: CDNs are more cost-effective than investing in expensive hardware and infrastructure to deliver content globally.

  7. Improved SEO: Faster website performance and better user experience can have a positive impact on search engine rankings, improving the visibility of the website in search results.

Want to have a really good experience working with our team?

Hire developers and other web specialists at Alt-team, an e-commerce development company with 10+ years of experience creating high-traffic websites.

Alt-team Advantages: How we do things for our clients

Highly qualified developers with over 10 years of experience in e-commerce
Close interaction between digital marketers, web designers, full-stack developers, and SEO specialists
QA testing and mandatory code review. QA automation tests

We are a result-oriented team. We do our best to meet the clients' demands

Cases we create

E-commerce store

Hydraulics Products Online Store

The main features of the online store:

  • Migration from Volusion to CS-Cart

  • 2,000 categories

  • More than 20,000 products

  • Instant store search — less than 3ms

  • A very fast-loading website

  • Simple and user-friendly web design

Basil Sabbah

Thanks a lot for the effort. Guys, thank you so much! It’s been a long journey but I like how it looks

E-commerce store

LakeLand Paints

Lakeland Paints is a UK eco-paint workshop with an online store that sells a variety of wall paint and varnish materials for homes.

Lakeland paints contains:

  • No VOCs.

  • No Heavy Metals.

  • No Solvents.

  • No Bad Stuff.

There are the Tate Gallery, Greenpiece, and Westminster Abbey among LakeLand Paints clients.

The store owners contacted our team for assistance in building a new, fast website.

Alt-team specialists did:

Andy Schwartzkopf

Design and content both were outstanding. They kept us informed about all the development processes and also integrate our feedbacks hand to hand.



Black&Milk is famous UK team of interior architectors and designers. Most of their projects are located in the center of London.

Alt-team built the website for this popular interior design studio. It's good-looking, fast, and SEO-friendly.

The website has:

  • 100% performance according to PageSpeedInsights;

  • Pages with high-resolution images;

  • Long video on homepage;

  • SEO support by our specialist;

  • Good SEO results;

  • Conversion growth.

Anatoly Alexeev

Thanks a lot for the effort. Guys, thank you so much! It’s been a long journey but I like how it looks



MetalsNet Marketplace is made for the USA metal product trade.

The main features of MetalsNet website:

  • It's a marketplace

  • It works all over America

  • Simple and user-friendly web design

  • Extended quotation system

  • The final buyer gets several offers from the local metal distributors and selects the best offer.

What Alt-team did:

  • Web design development

  • SEO support

  • CS-Cart development

  • Advanced quotation system in back-end and front-end.

  • We designed 3 different types of checkouts with custom fields, functionality:

  1. A client creates the quote;

  2. A client agrees with the supplier's offer;

  3. A supplier accepts the client's quote.

Basil Sabbah

With alt-team we started to work from 2018. We have implemented several projects and with all we were very satisfied. Their team is professional and works very quickly and reliably. We are currently working on the implementation of two large projects and we will give them others projects that are planned. Services alt-team recommend!

E-commerce store


Werky is a German shop that sells handmade products made by physically challenged people. It's a great social project!

The owner of the Werky store provided us with the ready-to-use mockups.

Our tasks were:

  • to integrate the design mockups into the CS-Cart theme

  • to perform the website SEO audit

As dedicated CS-Cart developers, we worked on this project for several months, from the end of the 2019 year until the end of 2021 (roughly two years).

Our SEO specialist made a report about SEO tasks in January 2021.

Christoph Andrews

Alt-team is super reliable, fast quotations, delivers ontime. The communication is clear and goal-oriented. We very happy with this cooperation. Thanks!

E-commerce store

Stainless Steel Fittings

Key features of the project:

  • Migration from Volusion to CS-Cart + Lightning

  • Over 20,000 products

  • Instant website search

  • Fast-loading website

  • Convenient web design

Basil Sabbah

Thanks a lot for the effort. Guys, thank you so much! It’s been a long journey but I like how it looks



Tignasse is a magazine that sells fashion photos. Clients of hairstyling saloons and fashion studios are the magazine's target audience. With the help of photos, the studio's clients choose the fashion look.

We did:

François Jeannin

They took the complete requirement of how I wanted it to look like and how the payment will get process everything. The design they shared was great and it was working perfectly fine.



It is dedicated to serving the angling community and this ecommerce website is devoted to providing the widest range of tackle at the cheapest prices from the best sellers in the UK. 

They are obsessed with tackle and customer experience, which has led this store to quickly become the largest dedicated online platform for tackle in the country.

Our tasks were:

David Oak

I can highly recommend Alt Team for any CS Cart development work, either front end design or backend functionality. They have been very transparent with the work and hours they have done and I wouldn't hesitate to use them again

How we work

Having experience in web development for more than 10 years, we have worked out a clear scheme of work. Our approach to the business process suits SMBs and Enterprises. But we always listen to our customers, and we value their ideas about our cooperation.

By building strong business relationships, our team is pleased to provide quality development services to our clients.

A step-by-step website delivery process
01 / 08
Project planning
Development process
Testing process
Web promotion (SEO)
Technical support

Building onlineSMBs or large marketplaces

We are experts in the Jamstack Ecosystem. The main idea here is a headless approach. In a headless approach, the front end of your online store and the back end of it are "decoupled"; they stand independently of one another. 

There are numerous ready-to-use Jamstack solutions for creating an online store from scratch. We provide the best tool for your business needs. 

Self-hosted solitions

Headless ecommerce

Headless CMS

Static site generator

Headless search

Deployment platforms

Common tools

Our team

We have specialists in frontend, backend, web designers, and SEO masters.
We do our best to bring our clients success in online business by providing high-performance websites with complex backends and storefronts.
Our well-coordinated team of full-stack developers is supplemented with experienced web designers, data analysts, SEO experts, and content managers. We are able to provide you with the full cycle of the e-commerce development process.

Contact Us

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Please, do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail or use the form below if you need a quote for your E-commerce project or have any questions about our products or services. We will be glad to answer you in a short time.